
NIAB has over 400 staff, with over 150 working at Cambridge, 80 at East Malling and the remainder based at its regional centres.

The main staffing business units are:

  • NIAB Cambridge Crop Research - including genetics and breeding, plant breeding, plant biotechnology, field crop research, plant pathology and crop characterisation teams
  • NIAB Agronomy - including NIAB TAG and other farmer membership services, farming systems,  NIAB CUF, NIAB Innovation Farm, Eastern AgriTech Innovation Hub, farm and regional trials and TAG Consulting Ltd
  • NIAB EMR - including genetics, genomics and breeding, crop science and production systems and pest and pathogen ecology departments
  • NIAB Ventures - creating and managing new commercial ventures, plus NIAB Training, BCPC, potato modelling services, Meeting of Minds programme for agri-tech SME’s and NIAB’s AgriTech Incubator Hub.
  • Corporate - for staff covering business services including HR, facilities, IT, finance and communications

NIAB's chief executive Dr Tina Barsby oversees the Executive Team.

NIAB has a Board of Directors, who are the trustees of the charity and administer the company. The Arable Group Ltd also has a Board of Directors and the National Institute of Agricultural Botany Trust is administered by a Board of Trustees.