
NIAB Job Vacancies

No job vacancies are currently available.

Plant and Crop Scientists

NIAB is committed to training the next generation of plant and crop scientists by providing courses in a range of subjects. For graduate students interested in studying for a PhD we have excellent resources for research in molecular plant science, quantitative genetics, breeding, transgenic technology and plant pathology.

NIAB's site in Cambridge provides first-rate laboratory facilities linked to a capability to study crop plants in controlled environments, glasshouses and in field plots. The majority of our PhD studentships are funded by grants.

Student and Graduate Opportunities

  • Are you studying a science, agriculture or horticulture discipline?
  • Unsure of possible careers for your qualifications?
  • No experience, but interested in farming and agri-science?

Paid roles are often available, particularly during the late spring and summer months, ranging from four weeks to twelve months, based at our regional centres and in Cambridge.

Download flyers for upcoming opportunities:

Register your interest in upcoming Student/Placement opportunities.

Some of our studentships are part of the BBSRC Doctoral Training Programme. Please read the details of each individual studentship for more information.

Research Opportunities

NIAB is seeking early-career or established researchers to develop their research programmes in the area of crop science to join the supportive and collaborative culture at NIAB and the wider research network of the Crop Science Centre, a collaboration between the University of Cambridge and NIAB.

Register your interest