Horticultural crop research

NIAB EMR is the UK centre for innovation and research on horticultural crops and plants and their interactions with the environment, with an international reputation for research on perennial fruit crops.

With a focus on the horticultural production-to-supply chain, particularly in soft and top fruit, NIAB EMR tackles the challenges associated with climate change, food security, food chain quality and resource use efficiency, to optimise economic and environmental sustainability in crops. It also specialises in the ecology of pests and pathogens of perennial horticultural and clonal crops and the environmental and biotic factors which affect them.

NIAB EMR has innovative horticultural research departments to increase production, and cope with a more variable and changing climate and cope with a rapidly changing world, in ways that are profitable for producers but also enhance the provision of other ecosystem services, increase the efficiency of resource use, result in less waste across the food system, and minimise greenhouse gas emissions.

Our research is delivered through three scientific research departments: