NIAB MAGIC population resources

Contact: James Cockram

The NIAB Multi-parent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross wheat populations, or MAGIC, were created using BBSRC funding. Subsequent genotyping and phenotyping have been funded directly by NIAB.

This site contains information and files relevant to the NIAB MAGIC elite population.

The following material is free to use, provided the source is acknowledged. In publications, please cite:

Mackay IJ, Bansept-Basler P, Barber T, Bentley AR, Cockram J, Gosman N,. Greenland AJ, Horsnell R, Howells R, O’Sullivan D, Rose GA, Howell P (2014) An eight-parent Multiparent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross population for winter-sown wheat: creation, properties and validation. G3: Genes| Genomes| Genetics

In addition, could any trait data collected be returned for archiving on this site (with due acknowledgement and citation of its source). Over time, NIAB hopes the layering of phenotypic datasets will allow comparison of QTL actions and interactions simultaneously across multiple traits

Seed availability

NIAB cannot maintain large stocks of all the lines. Ten seeds of each of the 1091 RILs can be supplied, subject to the cost of shipping (including any phytosanitary and other import charges) and a small charge for the cost of seed replacement. Download the NIAB Material Transfer Agreement, sign and date it, and return it to James Cockram at NIAB, by post or by email as a scanned document.

Files for downloading: