Mr Colin Peters

Break Crop Specialist
07745 775176


Colin has previously worked as a distributor agronomist and a farm manager for a large farm management organisation before moving on to work as Head of Farms for BBSRC, based at Rothamsted Research.

As NIAB's break crop specialist he provides specialist technical and scientific knowledge on the evaluation, selection and management of crop varieties, focusing on break crops including oilseed rape, linseed, pulses, sugar beet and other minor crops. As part of the role he helps coordinate the break crop trials programmes, working with staff across NIAB.

The crop specialist team, together with the regional teams, prepare information to help with knowledge exchange by presenting at meetings, delivering demonstrations at trial sites and national events. The team looks to develop contract research activities, particularly for break crops, by liaising with industry organisations and commercial companies as well as supporting the delivery of internal and external training on break crops and their management.

Relevant publications

Peters, C., G. Bailey, A. Looking for new solutions for vegetation management in the amenity sector. AAB Aspects of Applied Biology 139.