News article

Forage membership survey

NIAB TAG is currently considering developing a forage membership package. If you are a livestock or mixed farmer, growing forage crops, or a consultant or agronomist involved in forage crop production, and would be interested in a forage membership package we would appreciate your feedback by filling in our attached questionnaire.

NIAB Virtual Event Hub launched

NIAB is committed to supporting UK farmers and agricultural businesses in 2020 through the covid-19 crisis. We are operating differently due to the impact of the virus, ensuring the welfare of NIAB employees whilst keeping to government guidelines, and adapting and finding alternative ways of working with our customers where we can.

Cancellation of crop inspector courses

Following government guidelines relating to the Covid-19 outbreak, APHA circulated a statement (Seed Cert 6/20) on Saturday 4th April 2020 which included the cancellation of crop inspector courses run by NIAB in May and June 2020.

APHA has indicated that retests will be deferred and will contact candidates individually soon.

If your licence is due to expire and you have not registered for a course please contact us as soon as possible:

Our response to Covid-19

We at NIAB understand that we play an important role in supporting agricultural businesses and food production, both in 2020 and in the future, and we would like to update you on our response to the Covid-19 (coronavirus) situation. Having celebrated our Centenary in 2019 and realising the trials and tribulations of the last 100 years, we are confident that we have the resilience to ride this storm.


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