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NEWS: New online wheat disease ID training from ARTIS

Wheat growers can now check and improve their disease identification skills in the field, in the office, in the tractor or at home, with a free online training course from NIAB TAG’s new training platform ARTIS.

The ‘Wheat Disease Identification’ course, available at, asks users to identify symptoms for over 20 key diseases of wheat through a series of interactive image-led quizzes. Split over two levels it includes useful diagnostic information allowing users to fine-tune and further develop their skills.

NEWS: NIAB superwheat expertise to aid India wheat breeding

NIAB’s UK superwheat research could soon be helping improve the heat tolerance of wheat crops in India.

Researchers from NIAB, India’s Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) and the National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) are collaborating on a £1 million project, codenamed SHWheat, to combine NIAB’s expertise in wheat pre-breeding technologies with research strengths in India.

UKCPVS NEWS: Yellow rust pressure brings record sample numbers to UKCPVS

The UK Cereal Pathogen Virulence Survey confirms that the ‘Warrior-type’ was the dominant yellow rust race in the UK this summer, with no new races detected to date.

The mild 2013 autumn and winter conditions, and continuing favourable weather in 2014, resulted in one of the most severe yellow rust epidemics for many years. At least four different strains of the ‘Warrior-type’ race have been identified so far, all of which were very severe on many of the 2014 HGCA Recommended List varieties.


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