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NEWS: NIAB welcomes plan to unlock transformative potential of UK agri-science

Cambridge-based crop research and innovation centre NIAB has welcomed today’s publication of the UK Agricultural Technologies Strategy as a clear signal that Government is committed to unlocking the economic and productive potential of the UK agri-science base, and to supporting a resilient, hi-tech and globally competitive UK farming sector.

NIAB response to Monsanto’s decision to withdraw applications for GM crop cultivation in EU

Monsanto's decision to withdraw applications for GM crop cultivation in the EU is a further signal that the European GM approvals process is simply not working, and not surprisingly this is driving investment and research activity by the major commercial players out of the EU, to focus their efforts on those parts of the world which do have functioning regulatory systems and receptive markets.

NEWS: Breakthough in wheat breeding science offers greater yields

UK wheat yields could be boosted by up to 30% with the introduction of a new wheat bred from a wild grass species.

The National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) in Cambridge has recreated the original rare cross between an ancient wheat and wild grass species that happened in the Middle East 10,000 years ago. The result is a ‘synthetic’ wheat which, when crossed with modern UK varieties, could offer new sources of yield improvement, drought tolerance, disease resistance and input use efficiency.


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