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UPDATE: Five dry days??

A message from Dr Tina Barsby, NIAB CEO

NIAB TAG trials teams across the country report that they need five consecutive dry days to catch-up. It is currently fine at Cambridge (Friday 26 Oct), but it has rained again at our Sutton Scotney site this morning….

PHOTO: NFU South West visits NIAB Cambridge


The South-West Regional NFU Board visited NIAB in Cambridge today (Wednesday 24 October). As well as a tour of the NIAB facilities, including the state-of-the-art glasshouses at the MacLeod Complex and the crop transformation laboratories, the visit also included an introduction to NIAB Innovation Farm and a discussion on NIAB TAG's ongoing work on the causes of wheat yield stagnation and the steps needed to drive yield improvement going forward, including genetics and pre-breeding research.

TRAINING: Grass and Grassland Weed, Pests and Diseases training courses

Can you ID any of these weeds? 

If not brush up on your identification skills with places still available on NIAB TAG's 'Grass and Grassland Weed ID' training course on 30 October at Duchy College and on 14 November at NIAB in Cambridge.

We're also running a 'Grass Pests and Disease ID' training course on the morning of 15 November at Cambridge. 

For more information click here

NEWS: Excited for the future of grass

Advanced Training Partnership celebrates successful Get Smart with Grass workshop

The Advanced Training Partnership (ATP Pasture) for Sustainable and Efficient Food Production recently launched their training programme at the Livestock 2012 event. The partnership consisting of the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS), The National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) and Bangor University is also celebrating the success of its inaugural CPD workshop Get Smart with Grass, which took place at the end of September.

NEWS: Board changes at NIAB

Jeremy Lewis, former head of agriculture at accountants Grant Thornton, has been elected new Chairman of the NIAB Board. He succeeds Tony Pexton, who has chaired the NIAB Board for the past eight years and stands down after 11 years on the Board.

Richard MacDonald, former NFU Director-General and chair of Defra’s Better Regulation Task Force, has been elected Vice-Chairman of the NIAB Board.

NEWS: New flexible agri-food training programme launches at Livestock 2012

The Advanced Training Partnership for Sustainable and Efficient Food Production (ATP Pasture) launched its flexible training programme at Livestock 2012 on the 4th September. The partnership is funded by BBSRC and consists of three institutions: the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS), Bangor University and the National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB).


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