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NEWS RELEASE: Agronomy students are a top industry ASSET

Four crop science students have been awarded NIAB TAG’s ASSET prize for outstanding achievement in their studies.

Ben Burrows, Henry Ward, Mike Neaverson and Alex Turner each win a £3,000 bursary to assist them in their final year at university. The 2011 awards were presented to the students by Mike Warner, chairman of AICC, in front of delegates at the AICC Conference on 10th January 2012.

Recognition for early career scientist at JIC

Congratulations to Dr Cristobal Uauy of the John Innes Centre, who has been awarded the 'Bayer Early Excellence in Science Award 2011 for Biology' for his work in the research area of wheat genetics. Cristobal leads JIC’s collaboration with NIAB, working closely with Prof. Andy Greenland's Genetics and Breeding team at Cambridge.

To find out more about Dr Uauy's award and his work click here

NEWS: Thumbs-up for industry collaboration on a sustainable food supply chain

Scientists, farmers, businesses, retailers and policy-makers from across the agri-food sector are backing a co-ordinated industry approach to ensure a sustainable and efficient UK food supply chain.

It follows the Centre of Excellence for UK Farming (CEUKF) inaugural conference, where delegates from industry, academia and government debated how the UK could become the best place to produce safe and nutritious food - against the backdrop of global population growth, climate change and other key challenges.

NEWS - David retires after nearly 3,000 crop inspections

If there was a world-record for the number of crop inspections carried out by one person it would be awarded to David Muncey, who retires this week after a 45-year long career at NIAB.

In the past 21 years records show that David has inspected 2,182 crops, but he believes he’s clocked up 50 a year since he began inspecting in 1976, so add at least another 700 to the original figure.

NEWS: Field of experts come together at pioneering event to tackle the future of food and farming in the UK

New research will show how carbon emissions can be significantly reduced by farmers and how a ground-breaking agricultural project could lessen heart disease

A powerful network of scientists, farmers, industrialists, policymakers, and retailers, including Waitrose, will gather today to address major issues concerning the food supply chain. Their aim is to help farmers and food producers find ways of becoming more efficient and sustainable.

EVENT: JIC - The future of food and farming - 20-21 October 2011.

The Centre for Contemporary Agriculture (CCA) is a unique partnership between UEA, Easton College, John Innes Institute, Food Research Institute and NIAB-TAG. It aims to develop agricultural education, training and research to meet future local, national and international needs. As this century progresses our world faces massive challenges to produce sufficient food sustainably and to provide adequate nutrition for all. The Global Food Initiative, within the CCA, seeks to bring together experts and interested individuals from different spheres of activity associated with food to:


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