News article

NIAB TAG Network revitalises link between research and farm

The views of farmers and agronomists have been central to the development of NIAB TAG’s new membership scheme, launched at Cereals 2010.

NIAB TAG Network combines NIAB’s expertise in varieties and seeds with the comprehensive combinable crop management and agronomy information delivered by TAG, into a single set of new, innovative and dynamic membership packages.

NIAB TAG Network replaces the NIAB Association and TAG Direct brands from October 2010.

NIAB TAG at Cereals 2010

NIAB TAG will be out in force at Cereals 2010, on June 9th and 10th at Royston.

NIAB Tag will be unveiling its plans for the future at Cereals 2010. All visitors to the event are welcome to call in and see us, at the first Cereals event since the merger between NIAB and TAG.



Unseasonal heat wave brings first reports of blossom midge

Temperatures in the high twenties have encouraged crop and weed growth after a long cool spring. Flag leaves are out in most winter wheat crops, with reports from the south of boots splitting and wheat orange blossom midge taking advantage. Many oilseed rape crops are setting pods as the flowering phase passes. Lack of rain is the new problem, however, with many crops still waiting to take up significant amounts of applied fertilisers.


Air temperature graphs are now available to aid sclerotinia treatment

For several years now TAG has found that average daily air temperature is a reliable guide to timing of sclerotinia infection and hence of fungicide treatment. Oilseed rape is now coming into full flower and graphs showing the rolling average air temperatures at a number of sites around the UK are available in Members’ Technical Information, in ‘TAG Updates’.


2011 BBRO/NIAB Recommended List of Sugar Beet announced

Five new varieties have been added to the BBRO/NIAB Recommended List of Sugar Beet Varieties for 2011. All new additions have rhizomania tolerance, with two also having tolerance to beet cyst nematode (BCN).

From KWS comes Rosalinda KWS with a very high yield potential and Annouschka KWS which incorporates BCN tolerance. Valeska, from Nickerson Sugar Beet Seed Ltd, also shows a very high yield potential. Elsoms’ SESVANDEHAVE-bred Cheetah couples high yields with relatively high sugar content levels.


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