News article

NIAB course plugs vital skills gap in training for plant breeders


The National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB) is to repeat its two-week intensive training course in ‘Quantitative Genetics in Plant Breeding’, after the first session held earlier this year was heavily over-subscribed.

Targeted at both existing and prospective plant breeders, the post-graduate level course aims to update practitioners on the role and application of statistical and quantitative genetics in practical plant breeding programmes.

New NIAB chief executive applauds NFU call to back food security research

Dr Tina Barsby, recently appointed chief executive of Cambridge-based National Institute for Agricultural Botany (NIAB), has welcomed calls at the Conservative Party Conference from NFU President Peter Kendall for a fundamental shift in UK spending on agricultural research to meet emerging challenges of food security and climate change.

French Farmers Visit NIAB

A group of 10 French farmers visited the National Institute of Agricultural Botany to learn first hand about issues facing their British counterparts – and discovered there were many similarities.

It was part of a fact-finding visit in East Anglia to look at renewable crop alternatives and gather information about business and financial issues facing cereal farmers.


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